Hello people of Iceland

Bertrand Téchené
  • Heimilisfang: 5 rue des Anges - Porte B - 31200 Toulouse - France
  • Skráð: 07.07.2011 18:16

Hello people of Iceland and the Constituent Assembly,

This message is intended to make you aware that you, as the people of Iceland and its representatives at the Constituent Assembly have a great responsibility toward the rest of european nations and perhaps the world.

I am an average european citizen who one day learnt about the Icesave dispute and the answer that twice you gave to your government and the banks. You said NO twice, to what you consider, and you're right, as a great injustice.

Be sure your answer has really inspired us and if we, european citizens, that suffer from the same injustice, could have the choice to decide, be sure we would say NO as well.

You inspire us, that's a fact. Haven't you heard about all the icelandic flags floating in the streets of Spain and Greece as a strong message of hope in social justice?

After the 2008 economical collapse there was a lot of frustration and you, the people, decided that this situation shall never happen again. In front of your loss of trust in your government, institutions and the banking sector in general, you decided that the old constitution should be revised. Because the constitution is the fundamental law on which will be based the rest of the laws it means that rewriting it the right way can make the institution to be more transparent and make it easier to prevent other crisis.

Your government decided to take the control of this revision because if it hadn't taken this decision, you would have done this revision by yourselves. Remember the two national gatherings. These events were a pure expression of democracy. Some of you may think that it was not perfect but it's the first time in recent history that a sovereign country is doing it, so you had to invent it and you did it right.

You remember also that the elections of the Constituent Assembly was not as clean as it should have been. And I see two main reasons for that. The first one is that, I repeat, you're the pioneers of the 21st century democracy and you had to invent the process. And the second reason I see is that revising a Constitution can be really dangerous to the banking sector and corrupt politicians because if it's not made the right way, there will not be sufficient loopholes to start again their banking mess. But this assembly is there, working hard to make the new constitution. Then my question is: Are you sure this new constitution will be strong enough to prevent other crisis?

It's not too late, you can still make the banks and corrupt politicians not to play with your lives anymore. And if you can do it, it will mean that every other nation can do it. That's what I believe to be your responsibility for the rest of the world.

I thank you for reading this message.




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Samskiptasáttmáli Stjórnlagaráðs
  1. Við fögnum uppbyggilegri rökræðu en líðum ekki persónulegar árásir né misnotkun á umræðukerfinu.
  2. Við hvetjum til gagnrýnnar og upplýsandi umræðu forðumst gífuryrði og leggjum ekki öðrum orð í munn.
  3. Við notum einföld en skýr skilaboð og virðum skoðanir annarra.
  4. Allar athugasemdir sem endurspegla fordóma í garð einstaklings eða hópa verða fjarlægðar.
  5. Við áskiljum okkur rétt til að loka á notendur eftir tvær viðvaranir og þriðja brot á þessum sáttmála.

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