Democratic-Republicanism an American Perspective

Michael-Paul Gionfriddo
  • Heimilisfang: Grand Rapids Mi
  • Skráð: 14.06.2011 01:25


Hi my name is Mike I have several recomendations that are consistent with the deepest "respect for the complexity of human life".

1. Enhancing democracy through a republican municiple mechanism. If 15% of the municipalities, pass a resolution for an iniative or referendum, a special election is triggered. This fosters greater exchange between the people, and Althingi, by agency of their local governments. 10 municipalities can pass a resolution quicker then 30,000 signatures can be gathered and verified. This alongside your current direct democratic iniative/referendum system should be quite sufficient.

2. Strengthening representation is conistent with the highest repect for complexity, in that it gives greater access to the governemnt to the people, and hence more diverse dicourse and input. 1 representitive per every 2,000 persons, giving the people 160 representitives, and likewise and equal reduction in the represetitives pay as is conducive to secure, such an enhanced democratic structure. This produces political action, that even further fulfills the diversity of self interests wich make up the people.

3.This coupled with a defusion in matters of political/cultural expression, and prohibitions demontrates a commitment to tolerance(ethical foundation in the current sphere), and a legislative composition wich reflects the deepest respect for complexity, and the free indiviuals wich comprise it.

4. Inter-Icelandic deregulation of college/university educators. Basicaly this would allow for the development on the inter-icelandic knowledge economy, by allowing educators accredited to teach in higher education, the freedom to organise, administer, accredited classes, tax free, independently. This will create a organic priceing mechanism that will help lower the cost of education, by allowing for decentralised competion in the form empowered individuals engageing in their trade.

Im running for Mayor in Grand Rapids Michigan, good luck to you, your an inspiration, and efforts are a testament to human determinism. Hope it was useful, good day.



Störf Stjórnlagaráðs fara fram fyrir opnum tjöldum og við bjóðum öllum sem fylgja samskiptasáttmálanum að setja inn ummæli á vefinn.

Markmið umræðukerfisins er að bjóða upp á málefnalega og uppbyggjandi umræðu. Ærumeiðandi og óvægin ummæli í garð einstaklinga og þrálátar rangfærslur verða fjarlægð.

Samskiptasáttmáli Stjórnlagaráðs
  1. Við fögnum uppbyggilegri rökræðu en líðum ekki persónulegar árásir né misnotkun á umræðukerfinu.
  2. Við hvetjum til gagnrýnnar og upplýsandi umræðu forðumst gífuryrði og leggjum ekki öðrum orð í munn.
  3. Við notum einföld en skýr skilaboð og virðum skoðanir annarra.
  4. Allar athugasemdir sem endurspegla fordóma í garð einstaklings eða hópa verða fjarlægðar.
  5. Við áskiljum okkur rétt til að loka á notendur eftir tvær viðvaranir og þriðja brot á þessum sáttmála.

Þessi vefur er sameign okkar sem höfum áhuga á umræðu um málefni stjórnarskrár Íslands. Það er nýmæli að bjóða upp á opna umræðu af þessu tagi við mótun opinberra skjala og við vonumst til að þessi vefur verði skref í rétta átt í þróun umræðuhefðar á netinu.

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